Between GDPR and Law Enforcement Directive in Security Research: The Use of Personal Data by Law Enforcement Authorities


  • Stergios Aidinlis Durham University
  • David Barnard-Wills Trilateral Research
  • Leanne Cochrane Trilateral Research
  • Krzysztof Garstka Trilateral Research
  • Agata Gurzawska Trilateral Research
  • Joshua Hughes Trilateral Research


European law enforcement agencies (LEAs) increasingly seek to make additional use of the personal data they have gathered, particularly for the purpose of research. This raises practical data protection challenges for these agencies and their research partners. LEAs may be uncertain about which data protection instrument – if any – should govern such processing; a question best answered by disentangling the blurry boundary between operational and research activities. This article takes on that task, by examining the applicability of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Law Enforcement Directive (LED) to LEA research activities, in particular those based on LEA-held personal data. It also considers the practical implications of choosing one instrument over the other and gives guidance on legal choices that follow, with respect to issues such as identifying the legal basis for processing, and setting the data controllership arrangements.






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